February 16-17

2024 Upstate Marriage Conference

Friday’s sessions will begin at 7:00 PM and wrap up at 8:30 PM.
Saturday morning’s sessions will begin at 8:00 AM with a light breakfast (sessions beginning at 9:00 AM) and will conclude at 1 PM.

About The Upstate
Marriage Conference

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

-Genesis 2:24

God designed marriage to be one of the sweetest things on earth. Marriage really is everything it’s cracked up to be–worth fighting for, and giving it all you’ve got. But that sweetness is not automatic, because marriage–more than any other relationship–pushes to the surface and exposes our sin and selfishness in a way that can be shocking and disheartening to everyone involved. It can be your highest highs and your lowest lows. Wherever you are in your marriage, there is always more: more love, more passion, more freedom, more fun, more intimacy, and more life. When we hold fast to how God designed for us to love one another, marriage can be all that God intended.


Church at The Mill is excited to announce that we will be hosting the Upstate Marriage Conference in February 2024. It’s a great chance to connect with your spouse and God in new ways. No marriage is static. With each day, each choice–you’re either moving closer together, toward oneness…or coasting further apart. This February, make a great next step in your marriage by attending the Upstate Marriage Conference in Moore, South Carolina, February 16-17. Friday night and Saturday morning will be filled with powerful teaching sessions led by pastor, speaker and author Brad Bigney.

Meet The Speakers

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Brad Bigney is a pastor with the Evangelical Free Church of America and holds an MDiv. from Columbia Biblical Seminary. He’s a certified ACBC counselor, conference speaker, Lead Pastor of Grace Fellowship since 1996, and author of Gospel Treason. He and his wife, Vicki, have been married 37 yrs. and have five adult children and two grandchildren.

Preorder Brad’s Book

Gospel Treason: Betraying the Gospel with Hidden Idols
by Brad Bigney

Is it harder for you to change and grow as a Christian than it should be? Do you wonder what is holding you back? Have you ever considered that it might be idolatry?
Using real-life stories and examples, Brad Bigney’s Gospel Treason: Betraying the Gospel with Hidden Idols shows us how the idols we might not even recognize can still have devastating effects in our lives. In this transparent, honest book, he helps us to identify our idols, understand how they lead us to commit treason against the gospel–and finally repent of them and root them out forever by turning to the only One who can fill our every need.

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The Agenda

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Marriage Podcasts